Gang of 6...

This blog belongs to 6 ex COE students of NSIT... Though, now, we are all in separate places, studying or working, we hope to remain in touch with each other lest we forget the great time we had back in college. This blog is an attempt to achieve the same. Here's to us...!

Thursday, September 28, 2006

What perspective?

I was under the impression that this blog was created for all of us to get to know EACHOTHER better, on a deeper, more personal level...
As far as my previous post goes, it was written in a jocular vein and I hope nobody took it too seriously.
I for one am an apolitical person and therefore, totally detest discussing things such as the Indo-Pak issue and their ilk. I would, however, like to discuss more meaningful issues that concern humanity in general... religion, spirituality etc..... let's see if we can turn the discussion towards such issues. I am aware of the fact though, that Gaurav and Danish - two of the most vociferous debaters on political issues whom I am aware of - are a part of this blog, but I still think that you people still have time to reform! ;)

1 comment:

abhgupta said...

I guess I'll let john answer those queries..