Gang of 6...

This blog belongs to 6 ex COE students of NSIT... Though, now, we are all in separate places, studying or working, we hope to remain in touch with each other lest we forget the great time we had back in college. This blog is an attempt to achieve the same. Here's to us...!

Monday, September 25, 2006

Time to.....

...provoke some more people into responding via blog(understand the mazaak now, Deepak;), what had I thought of saying. Yes, all that about the self-obsessed, attention-seeking profile of a blogger, which everyone seems to believe in(and yet, doesn't count oneself guilty while pointing fingers at the other). I protest.
I don't think it's inherently misguided to attempt to bare one's thoughts on an online medium, accessible to all who care enough to click. I know, it's really easy to be misinterpret, to take offence at something written when half-asleep or really-mad, but sometimes, having something to express your views at is really cathartic (Abhinav take note - it means 'Emotionally purging' here, otherwise can also imply a 'strong laxative':)
I don't now about you, but there are lots of times when I really feel riled up about something or am very upbeat due to some other thing...but can find no one free to hear me out. Or when you feel really strongly about something, and wish you could do something about it - but don't know how justified your take on the subject is. Or you might have gotten some insight into something you feel might be useful for others. for Or you just got to know some juicy piece of, and really have to share with someone. Or countless other little things that pop into your head at odd hours(in the AI class, in the shower, some crazy day-dream-sequence you had on the bus...) but can find noone else to share it with at the time(ok, that last might seem a bit self-obsessive...but I think I just defined most 'thass' there:) As long as no-one takes himself or what's written here very seriously, I think a blog can be a useful post-it board, where we float ideas not for someone else's approval but for their perusal - "that's what I feel, what do you think about it"....if nothing else, at least an interesting social experiment...
And Abhinav, I am still waiting to see your hidden talent(besides the not-so-well-hidden cribbing of course:)

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